• お知らせ, グロースファクター

Side effects and risks of nasolabial growth factor injection therapy

First in Western Japan,Specializing Clinic in Nasolabial Fold,Wrinkle Treatment
Osaka Houreisen Cosmetic Dermatology 
Shinya Sasagawa About Doctor

This page explains the risks and side effects of growth factor injection therapy for nasolabial folds.

Our growth factor treatment specializes in treating nasolabial folds, and safety is our number one priority.

There is no scary risk of blindness like with hyaluronic acid injection.

However, as it is a medical procedure, there are risks and side effects.

I am fully aware of these risks and side effects and perform the treatment with care.

I think that risks and side effects are a big concern when taking Growth Factor, so I will explain them in detail.


There will be some swelling, but it will look like your nasolabial folds improved, so it won’t be a big deal.

Internal bleeding

When receiving an injection, there is a risk of internal bleeding, not just of growth factor injection but also hyaluronic acid injection.

Some people don’t experience any symptoms at all, but if they do, they appear as small dots at the injection site.

This usually lasts from a few days to two weeks.

The symptoms tend to last longer in people who bleed easily, have difficulty stopping bleeding, or bruise easily.

It can be covered with makeup (makeup can be applied one hour after treatment).

Discomfort and mild pain

You may experience some discomfort or mild soreness at the injection site for about 1 to 2 weeks after the injection.

Finished look is different between right and left

The human body is naturally asymmetrical, so naturally there is a difference in the appearance of nasolabial folds between the left and right sides.


We try to reduce the difference between the left and right sides as much as possible by adjusting the dosage and other factors, but sometimes

differences still remain.

In rare cases, the difference between the left and right sides may be accentuated or reversed (cases where deeper wrinkles improve more and

originally shallower wrinkles appear deeper).

Possibility of little change

Those who have naturally shallow nasolabial folds may see seemingly less improvement than those with deeper nasolabial folds.

Even in this case, wrinkles that appear when smiling are improved, and by increasing collagen in the area around the nasolabial folds, the

progression of nasolabial folds is prevented.

Since nasolabial folds are progressive, many young people receive growth factors for preventative purposes.

Multiple injections may be required

A single treatment will produce long-term results, but the effects/duration will vary from person to person.

Sometimes the effect is not sufficient and two or three injections may be required.

This tendency is especially prevalent in people who have deep wrinkles or a lot of fat in their cheeks.

Rare Side Effects

The following side effects are unlikely to occur in practice but are a theoretical risk.


We thoroughly sanitize the area before treatment, but due to the trait of injections, there is a risk of infection if normal bacteria present on

the skin enters the needle hole.

People with weakened immune systems are at higher risk.

Treatment involves the use of medication (antibiotics).

Even though it is an infection, it is only acne-like.


Since growth factors are drugs, there is a risk of allergic reactions.

However, from my experience, I have never seen anyone have an allergic reaction to growth factors.

Growth factors are proteins that are naturally found in the skin, so the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the growth factors

themselves is extremely low.

However, in rare cases, those with sensitive skin may experience a rash when injecting growth factors due to the anesthetic cream and

disinfectant used during the procedure.

If you have an allergy to anesthesia or alcohol, please let us know in advance.


Although this has not happened at our clinic ever, if a patient has a predisposition to bleeding easily or has been prescribed blood-

thinning medication at another clinic, and the bleeding does not stop easily, blood may accumulate in the area where the injection was given,

causing a lump-like condition.

It will be absorbed naturally, but it may take several months.

Growth factor is not a surgery that causes heavy bleeding, and since pressure is applied firmly to stop the bleeding after the procedure, the

incidence of bleeding is extremely low.

Persistent pain

Although it is very rare, there is also the possibility of nerve damage caused by an injection needle (this can also happen when drawing blood).

In most cases, the condition will improve within 2 to 3 months as the nerves regenerate, but it may take longer.

However, this risk is more commonly seen when receiving an injection in the arm, such as for drawing blood, and no such complaints have

been reported at our clinic in the past.

There is a possibility that there will be differences between areas where the effect is seen and areas where it is not seen (risk of unevenness)

Although it is very rare, you may notice unevenness in the strength of the effect.

However, our growth factors do not inflate the subcutaneous tissue like hyaluronic acid or fat injections do, but rather use liquid ingredients to give the skin firmness and lustre, so they carry less risk than those treatments.

Also, the area around the mouth is less likely to have unevenness compared to other areas (such as under the eyes).

Possibility of hyperplasia and lumps

Although very rare, the above risks are associated with any injection treatment, including hyaluronic acid and fat injections.

Especially with gel-type hyaluronic acid or fat injections, there is a risk that the injected ingredients will clump and form lumps.

It’s like when potato starch doesn’t completely dissolve in the water when cooking.

If a large amount of fat or hyaluronic acid is injected into one area, the blood flow to the injected fat may be poor, causing the fat to necrose and form a lump, or the hyaluronic acid may not completely dissolve and will not be absorbed naturally.

This is especially true in cases where injections are made under the eyes.

On the other hand, the Growth Factors used at our clinic are liquid ingredients that blend easily into the surrounding area, and we have

thoroughly eliminated such risks by specializing the formulation, concentration, amount, and injection method all for nasolabial folds.

Furthermore, other beauty clinics offer treatments in which growth factor preparations are mixed with other drugs such as PRP and then

injected; however, there have been reports of interactions between the drugs causing excessive collagen proliferation, resulting in hyperplasia and the formation of lumps, which is viewed as problematic within the industry.

We do not provide this type of treatment at our clinic.

In fact, no one has ever come to our clinic complaining of a hyperplasia and lump.

In addition, there are cases where swelling after treatment or pre-existing facial muscles near the nasolabial folds look like a lump.

Also, if there is already a bulge inside or outside the nasolabial fold (caused by sagging skin, muscle or fat), it will remain.



Medical procedures come with not only benefits but also risks and side effects.

Is there anything you don’t understand or would like to discuss?

Consultations with our clinic are free of charge. Please feel free to contact us.

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